Cookies used on the site

This site uses cookies, i.e. text strings that are stored by the browser on your device (PC, tablet, smartphone), to improve your browsing experience on the site. In compliance with what is indicated in the new “Cookies and other tracking tools guidelines”, adopted by the Guarantor for the protection of personal data on 10 June 2021, we provide you with the necessary information regarding the type of cookies used.

Technical cookies

This site uses so-called technical cookies which do not allow tracking of your browsing behaviour. Session cookies are also used so that the service you requested can be provided (e.g. search functionality) as well as other cookies necessary for the functions present on the pages (e.g. to memorize the size of the font). These cookies cease to exist when you close the browser and for their use, as they do not carry out any profiling, your specific consent is not required.

Analytical cookies

The site may use analytical cookies, which allow, among other things, to measure the number of visitors, also possibly broken down by geographical area, connection time slot or other characteristics. These cookies are assimilated to technical cookies and are used to collect information in anonymous and aggregate form for statistical purposes and for the preparation of reports on the use of the site, therefore, they can also be used in the absence of your specific consent, as they provides for the masking of your browsing address in accordance with the provisions of the law.

Third party cookies

The site allows the use of third-party cookies. Third-party or social network services (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) can also be inserted at any time within the site, which can use cookies useful for sharing content, or for processing of access statistics, or to update the number of shares or other types of cookies to collect other preferences and offer advertising information on their respective sites. The disclosure of third-party services, regarding data processing and the cookies used, is given by the respective external sites, which also provide the possibility of deactivating the cookies used. You can read the information on the individual social networks and how to disable the respective cookies by accessing the following links:

You can read more information about third-party cookies at the link:

If you wish, you can block some or all cookies or even delete cookies that have already been installed on your device by accessing the settings of the browser used. Each browser offers different settings for intervening on cookies. By deleting or deactivating cookies, it must be taken into account that in this way there is the risk of losing some features offered by the site or by third-party services. Below is a list of the most used browsers and instructions for deactivating cookies:

You consent to the use of cookies by clicking on the “I understand” button on the initial banner containing the brief information or by proceeding with site navigation.